Redline Pest Defense is a 100% Fire Fighter owned and operated pest control company. David Davis has over 20 years in the Fire Service and has dedicated his life to serving others. His dedication to public service and helping people solve their problems in a time of need is what makes Redline Pest Defense different from the other companies. Just like the emergency calls that he makes in the Fire Service, each call for pest service is unique and requires a unique approach to have a favorable outcome. A lot of pest control companies that provide service do the same old routine at each house regardless of the situation. That is why they can afford to charge the very affordable rates that attract some homeowners. This can make the problem much worse and cost more money in the long run. Sometimes the situation might just need some physical correction and not require a chemical treatment at all. David will use a unique approach to Integrated Pest Management to tailor make a Defense Strategy for your Home! Redline Pest Defense is proudly based in Midlothian, but defends homes all over the DFW area!